SpecialPOD Cedar Walnut Bodysurfing Handboards - EGO 9", WOO 12", FLO 15" & Long Sleeve Rashie Set There’s nothing quite like our beautifully crafted cedar walnut POD handboards. The new POD handboard range, we now offer all three-size body surfing...£119.32 - £129.70
WOO Cedar and Walnut 300mm 12inch Wood POD Handboard and POD Fins PF2 - Best Handboarding Gear Woo Hoo there’s nothing quite like our beautifully crafted and shaped 300mm/12inch solid Cedar and Walnut Hand Body Soul® POD bodysurfing...£121.92 - £134.89
Best Bodysurfing Gear Swim Fins Package - "EGO" Cedar and Walnut Wood POD® Handboards and POD Fins PF3 - Swim Fins There’s nothing quite like our beautifully crafted POD handboards shapes, our 225mm 9inch solid Cedar and Walnut Hand Body...£121.92 - £129.70
FLO Cedar and Walnut 375mm 15inch Wood POD Handboard and POD Fins PF2 - Swim Fins The Best Handboarding Gear There’s nothing quite like our beautifully crafted POD handboards shapes, our 375mm/15inch solid Cedar and Walnut Hand Body Soul®...£127.11 - £140.08
Bodysurfing Handboard Package - "FLO" Cedar and Walnut POD® Handboards and POD Fins PF3 - Swim Fins There’s nothing quite like our beautifully crafted POD handboards shapes, our 375mm/15inch solid Cedar and Walnut Hand Body Soul®...£129.70 - £137.48
Deluxe Bodysurfing Gear - Original Handcrafted Wood POD Handboard and POD Fins PF2 - Swim Fins There’s nothing quite like our beautifully handcrafted, limited edition solid timber bodysurfing handplanes! Since the late 80’s, our founder and...£132.29 - £145.26